Saturday, 28 September 2013

Egret Success

A photograph I took of a Great Egret in Dana Point, has been chosen to be included in the 2014 City of Dana Point calendar.
I'm very excited because many of the other people chosen are professional photographers with fancy cameras. This means that you can do good things even if you don't have expensive equipment or extensive training or experience.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Golden Blooms

This is one of my new favourite paintings. The colours of the sunflowers remind me of summer and point to the impending Autumn. There is definitely an Autumnal nip in the air this week.
'Sunny Bouquet' 5" x 7" Oil in Canvas.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Covert Action

'Sunny Cove' 6" x 8" Oil on Canvas. This is taken from a photograph by one of my cousins of a beach in Cornwall, England. Cornwall has beautiful, rugged coastline as well as some quaint harbours and towns. I always visit Cornwall when I visit England as I have friends and family there.
I wanted to keep the painting's complexity to a minimum to stress the simple forms of the cliffs and a sense of depth.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Feeling Blue

This was painted from a photograph of a sunset at Doheny Beach in Dana Point.

'Blue Heaven' 5"x7" Oil on canvas.